So many are people are confused about health supplements because there’s so much conflicting information in the media. The truth is that supplements are vital to good health. Each of us require nutrients in order to function properly; vitamins and minerals are the essential elements that facilitate every chemical reaction in our body. For example, magnesium and zinc control over 200 enzymes. Studies show that most people have nutritional deficiencies. This fundamental lack of nutrition can create a multitude of symptoms that can often be easily relieved with the right nutrients.
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may have a nutritional deficiency that should be investigated.
- Is your skin or hair dry?
- Do you have muscle cramps?
- Do you get colds a lot?
- Are you depressed?
- Are you constipated?
What supplements should the average person be taking?
- A good multivitamin that includes vitamins A, C, D, and E, as well as all the B vitamins, vitamin K, minerals, and other key nutrients.
- An omega-3 fat supplement, either plant-based or sourced from fish.
- An additional vitamin D supplement.
Some individuals may have additional nutritional needs, but this regimen will provide most people with all the essential raw materials the body needs to function properly.
It is very important your essential supplements, such as your Multi-Vitamin, Fish Oil, and Vitamin D3 are high quality. All of our supplements at Advanced Bioidentical Hormone Therapy are pharmaceutical grade. Visit abormonetherapy.com and read about our featured supplements for this month!
Read more about the benefits of taking supplements drhyman.com/blog/2013/11/18/setting-record-straight-supplements
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