• DECEMBER 12, 2017
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    Balanced Hormones and Healthy Hair by Dr. Marco Uribe

    Hair loss in post-menopausal and peri-menopausal women is most likely related to declining hormone levels. Estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid deficiency are not only associated with hair loss, but also hair changes. Hair may become finer, losing body, wave and shine. It becomes dry and brittle, breaking easily. The scalp also becomes dry and may flake or

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    • FEBRUARY 22, 2024
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    7 Signs You’re Entering Menopause

    The end of your menstrual cycle can mean the end of a major, messy inconvenience in your life, but it can also mean suffering through uncomfortable symptoms for a decade or more. Since many symptoms can mimic PMS or even other conditions, it can be hard to tell when you’ve entered this phase of your

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